The 2009 Pop sensation releases her fourth album High Road. Kesha has released her first album in three years. Since her hit song “Tik Tok” came out, Kesha has completely changed her entire vibe. Since her traumatic experience with her previous music producer, Kesha is now a voice for underdogs in society and promotes all types of empowerment. 

High Road was released on January 31 with a total of 16 songs with a mixture of emotions included in each and every one of them. The sound is similar to her last album, Rainbow. Both have a very “I am hurting, but I am trying to heal” feel to them. Although Rainbow does have more slow-paced mellow songs such as “Cowboy Blues” and “Father Daughter Dance.” 

The production of High Road includes a variety of different influences. With songs where she raps such as “Kinky” to country-folk influenced songs such as “Raising hell.” For the most part, each track on the album begins with a very powerful chorus then breaks off into its own path. 

Kesha mentioned how she opens up on the album and expresses it as well in lyrics such as “You’re the party girl, you’re the tragedy, but the funny thing is I’m … everything.” She tells AppleMusic about her struggles in today’s society especially with being canceled by society for one wrong move. 

Although Kesha is becoming more open about her personal issues and values the evolvement as an artist throughout her projects has not grown very much. She does have a very repetitive sound in this album as she does in previous projects. Overall this album is about a six out of ten. High Road is now streaming on AppleMusic, Spotify, and GooglePlay Music, give it a listen and let us know what your thoughts are.


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