Finding Nemo

Is it just us or is 2013 the year of remaking our beloved childhood films and TV shows? Since the announcement of a Boy Meets World sequel titled Girl Meets World, a spinoff that instead focuses on Cory and Topanga’s daughter, there is yet another remake in the works.

This time, it’s Pixar’s  Finding Nemo. But there’s a twist– it will be called Finding Dory. The film is scheduled to hit theaters in November 2015 and will fill in the holes of Dory’s story, taking place along the California coast a year after little Nemo is found.

“Dory will be reunited with her loved ones, learning a few things about the meaning of family along the way,” said Finding Nemo director Andrew Stanton.

Once again, Ellen DeGeneres will lend her voice to play the forgetful fish in the upcoming sequel and cleverly announced her official involvement with the film yesterday on her daytime talk show.

“I was in Australia for a week and it was an amazing trip,” she said. “I learned when I was in Sydney that there’s no street called 42 Wallaby Way like in Finding Nemo.”

After leading on the audience with a brief comedic bit listing reasons why Finding Nemo should be remade, DeGeneres finally announced the phone call she received from director Andrew Stanton confirming that Pixar is in fact making a sequel.

Check out Ellen’s announcement here.


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