The University of Alabama’s Entrepreneurship Week is proud to present the first Social E pitch competition. To be held on February 21st, 2012 at 6:30PM in 110 AIME. All participants will need to submit their videos by February 6, 2012 at 5:00 PM CST. Each participant will need to have a 1-2 minute video. All social entrepreneurial ideas are welcome but we encourage tornado related ideas.
1. To get started you will need to send an email to with the title of your idea and name in the subject head.
2. Please then submit your video pitch on the official UAsocialE Vimeo account. To submit log in to using the Log-in email account: and the password: social12.
3. Once logged in, upload your video. To upload your video click the Upload tab, this is located on the top left toolbar. After you have uploaded your video, title the video with the title of you idea. In the description please have your name, school, and year.
After your video has been submitted it will be reviewed by a panel of judges and up to 4 will be chosen along with 1 fan favorite video. This fan favorite video will be the video be picked by polling on our Facebook page. The deadline to compete for the grand prize of $500 will be February 6, 2012. Click here for more details and start thinking!