“We Can’t Stop” single art


Review by Camille Corbett, Host of Femme Fatale

As an eighteen year old feminist who was obsessively devoted to Disney Channel as a child, I can say without too much hesitance and shame that I am  a HUGE Miley Cyrus fan. However, after listening to her newest single “We Can’t Stop,” I have begun to wonder if my verging on idolatry of Cyrus is coming to an end.

This single was at best, mediocre. It was oddly reminiscent of Rihanna, however, it lacked the soulful and exotic qualities that Rihanna’s voice brings to her songs. It seems that the single “We Can’t Stop” is in an awkward middle ground between her fluffy pop sounding single “Party in the USA” and  the raunchy r&b sound of Rihanna.

Overall it was an unimpressive song that I know will get stuck in my head, for although it was a weak effort stylistically, it still somehow managed to be catchy. Which in my opinion is just downright inhumane. Isn’t it bad enough, Miley, that you’ve disappointed some loyal fans, without having to curse them with an infectious song that reminds them how you’ve failed to find a sound that would legitimately please them?

However, I still do remain a loyal fan of Cyrus. For who know, the entire album might be better than this faulty r&b hodgepodge of a pop song. For I do like how she is using edgier lyrics in her music now. It fits her new glamour-ridden bad girl image better. I also do like how she stuck to a party anthem, for as we all know, that is where she really excels. So although this song was a weak attempt to make her fans fall into an even deeper obsession with her, it will do…for now. Just know Miley, that your loyal fans are awaiting bigger and better things from you.

Listen to the We Can’t Stop and see if you enjoy it. Comment below your feelings towards Miley Cyrus’s new  single.



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