David Phelps and Kevin Pabst joined Capstone News Now to preview their next exciting event taking place Feb. 28 at 6:30 at the Russell Hall Auditorium.


Photo Credit: TideTalks.ua.edu

Click Below to hear the interview:

Angie Bartelt and Samuel Guggenheimer are both speaking during Tide Talks VI and spoke to our show about everything from Turkey’s current political situation to the immense challenges of putting yourself through college.

Click Below to hear the interview:

Capstone News Now is the flagship news radio program for WVUA-FM. You can listen to the show every Monday- Thursday from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. Follow us on Twitter @CapstoneNewsNow and feel free to email us suggestions, tips and comments to news@wvua.ua.edu.


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