Originally a fictional sport from J.K. Rowling’s well-known “Harry Potter” book series, quidditch was modified into “ground quidditch” or “muggle quidditch” for play in the real world. The sport is a fast-paced combination of rugby, soccer, and volleyball, and involves the prominent use of broomsticks.  Last year, 490 students competed in the World Cup tournament in front of thousands of spectators from the university and Tuscaloosa community. Team Sweden, represented by the University of Alabama Law School, beat teams sponsored by the Million Dollar Band, Capstone Men & Women, the Chemical Engineers, the Honors College Assembly, and dozens more in order to become the reigning champions.

However, here’s your chance. The University of Alabama’s Creative Campus will again host Quidditch on the Quad, a campus-wide muggle quidditch tournament, on Sunday, November 13th, 2011 at the University of Alabama’s Quad in collaboration with University Recreation.  Preliminary rounds will be held at the Recreational Fields on Thursday, November 10th, 2011. University of Alabama students are invited to form teams and register from October 3rd to October 21st, 2011 on the Creative Campus website,www.creativecampus.ua.edu<http://www.creativecampus.ua.edu>.  Creative Campus interns have created a video promoting team registration.  The video is viewable at http://vimeo.com/29978010. For more information visit www.creativecampus.ua.edu<http://www.creativecampus.ua.edu>, email quidditchonthequad@gmail.com<mailto:quidditchonthequad@gmail.com>, or call 205-348-7884. We hope to see you there! 


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