It is time people! The annual Beat Auburn Beat Hunger food drive will kick off on October 10, 2011. Students, faculty, and community members can stop by from 11am-1pm to donate to the food drive, sample food from local restaurants, and decide which campus leader will take a pie to the face. At the kick-off, the Community Service Center is sponsoring a pie-throwing contest to raise money for Beat Auburn Beat Hunger. Contestants include Honors College Dean Shane Sharpe, Panhellenic President Ashley Getwan, Alabama Offensive Lineman Barrett Jones, and other campus leaders. Each contestant will have their name and picture on a jar. The contestant whose jar has the most money at the end of the kick-off will be pied on October 12, 2011 on the Plaza. The highest donor at Monday’s event will throw the pie at 12:00pm sharp. In addition to the pie throwing contest, students can donate $1 to try free delicious food. There will be an appearance by Big Al, great music, and other activities. We hope to see you there!
Beat Auburn Beat Hunger Kickoff!