In Tony’ Molina’s newest addition to his discography, released on August 12, we are taken on a journey “In the Fade.” Molina masterfully plays with different genres, flowing between folk, grunge rock, and instrumentals. Soft instrumentals like the opening “Aye Aye My My (Into the Fade) and “Fluff” are contrasted by the rock driven songs like “The Last Time” and “All I’ve Known.” Some songs ride the line in between the two, like “Not Worth Knowing” which has more of a folk-rock sound. Molina flows through different genres with ease, all while staying on the main topic of a breakup and keeping with the “fade” theme. The album is relatively short at only 18 minutes and 28 seconds. Each song is under 2 minutes long, giving the album a quick moving pace while keeping the calm, indie sound. Molina does an excellent job of keeping the album moving and creating a journey through song that completes the journey of the fade.
Molina talks mainly about a breakup throughout the album, giving a reason for why he entered into the fade. In “The Last Time”, he mentions “leaving you girl for the last time / don’t expect you to understand,” and in “Leave This Town” he says, “I think you better leave this town ‘cause I can’t seem to live it down, the thought of never seeing you again.” In “Song for Friends (Slight Return),” he shifts to a broader sadness and asks the question “where did all of my good friends go?” These deep, longing sentiments drive the album’s meaning and lead the listener to join in with Molina and enter the fade with him to escape the questions that most of us face.
Molina, known for making references to other songs, alludes to Black Sabbath, Fleetwood Mac, and The Beatles. The instrumentals for “Four Side Cell” and “Song for Friends (Slight Return)” reference “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac and “Strawberry Fields Forever” by the Beatles respectively. The last song on the album, “Fluff”, is Molina’s cover of the Black Sabbath song of the same title. These references help drive home the idea of being faded, due to some of the other band’s reputation for also being “in the fade,” and reveal some of Molina’s biggest inspirations.
On the surface, the album is a good indie listen for a short drive. Diving deeper into the album though, Molina’s influences, song-writing prowess, and his ability to write in whatever genre he sees fit in the moment are showcased in a cohesive and powerful way. Molina does not drag the album on with long songs or extensive lyrics but writes what he wants and moves on, leaving the listener wanting more.
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