Rating – 8/10

FEELS is an indie rock band from the Los Angeles area, and these Californian roots are apparent in ‘Post Earth’, the band’s second studio album. The album was released on February 22, 2019 to generally positive reviews. ‘Post Earth’ is filled with a blend of influences, from light indie grooves to heavy punk breakdowns reminiscent of the “Riot Grrrl” movement.

The album is unified by a central idea: the 1% are destroying the planet and will face no consequences when the earth ends. This theme is expressed in the lyrics of songs such as “Post Earth” and “Cars”, the album’s opener. With this nihilistic view of the world, ‘Post Earth’ provides a feeling of not caring, as if to say “the earth is doomed, why not make the most of it?”

‘Post Earth’ uses its instrumentation to create a “garageband” vibe to the songs. The distorted bass and harmonized lead riffs create a rough sound that is contrasted by the vocals, which are clean and smooth for the most part. The background vocals blend well with the lead, creating an almost haunting echo to the lyrics, especially in songs such as “Find a Way” and “W.F.L.” FEELS takes many inspirations from female punk acts of the past, and this becomes apparent as songs stray from indie rock into pure punk, such as in “Deconstructed” and “Tollbooth”. This punk sound fuses with the garageband/indie vibe to create a rebellious attitude that permeates ‘Post Earth’.

‘Post Earth’ is an album that fans of punk, grunge, and indie rock can all find enjoyment in. It’s perfect for energetically banging one’s head, or chilling in solitude.

Favorite Tracks: “Post Earth”, “Tollbooth”, “Cars”

‘Post Earth’ is streaming everywhere now.


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