The application period for 2017-18 executive staff positions has expired, but we are still taking applications for playlist and specialty show hosts.
Interested parties can get more information on how to get involved here.
Specific Duties:
- Import new music into the iMediaTouch System
- Listen to CD’s sent in or emailed
- Decide, based on listening, on how much a rotation a track gets
- Work with Specialty Show DJ’s to import new music
- Keep track of music imported and how long it has been in rotation
- Submit station’s chart to CMJ weekly
- Listen to songs for any violation of FCC Indecent and Profane policies.
- Keep in touch with local bands in Tuscaloosa
- Attend weekly staff meetings
Reporting Relationship: The Music Director reports to the Station Manager.
Position Requirements: The Music Director must be an enrolled student at the University of Alabama at the time of appointment. This position also requires you to hold a 2.0 overall GPA and be in good standing with the University. The position does require at least 15 posted office hours and 5 hours in office at discretion weekly.
Interactions: Besides reporting to the Station Manager, most of the interaction with this position will be with the record labels and local bands to gather music and report. The Music Director will also maintain a music staff to help with the listening portion of their job. The Music Director may interact with the DJ’s to gather information about requests and songs in rotation. This position will require interaction with the Public to shape rotation.
Impact on Institutional Mission: The Music Director position will be responsible for maintaining the format of the station. When the job is done well, the listening audience is able to determine what the station format is and the sound of the station is clear and consistent, yet diverse. When the job is done incorrectly, the station could suffer an identity crisis in its music playlist and the image of the station suffers from a lack of consistency with the playlist and could result in FCC violations when the expletives of a song are left unedited.
Specific Duties:
- Maintain and produce content for the station’s website.
- Continually provide content to the station Facebook and Twitter.
- Interact with the public via online transmission methods.
- Produce press releases for station happenings.
- Attend weekly staff meetings
Reporting Relationship: The Digital Media Director reports to the Station Manager.
Position Requirements: The Digital Media Director must be an enrolled student at the University of Alabama at the time of appointment. This position also requires you to hold a 2.0 overall GPA and be in good standing with the University. The position does require at least 15 posted office hours and 5 hours in office at discretion weekly. For this position, knowledge of WordPress is preferred, but not required.
Interactions: The Digital Media director will interact with the public daily through the website and social networks. For writing the articles, the position will require interaction with various subjects, especially on campus. You will also develop relationships with the local media to get out certain events WVUA is promoting. The Digital Media Director will also need to get in contact with the Office of Student Media Broadcast and Digital Media Coordinator to coordinate web operations.
Impact on Institutional Mission: The Digital Media Director plays as the liaison for the station to public. Doing this job well will create a great reputation with the public, the university in general, our clients, and the media, therefore resulting in great promotion for events. When this job is done poorly, the station will suffer in terms of reputation and the relationships with our constituents will be nonexistent or poor.
Specific Duties:
- Produce creative station stingers for daily rotation
- Produce recorded promos for events and organizations
- Produce on-air underwriting announcements for businesses
- Write live reads for DJ’s to announce on air
- Produce any stingers and other material for the sports department
- Maintain and coordinate a production staff
- Supervise staff in production of daily content.
- Attend weekly staff meetings
Reporting Relationship: The Production Director reports to the Station Manager.
Position Requirements: The Production Director must be an enrolled student at the University of Alabama at the time of appointment. This position also requires you to hold a 2.0 overall GPA and be in good standing with the University. The position does require at least 15 posted office hours and 5 hours at discretion weekly. For this position, it is preferred that you’ve taken TCF 301, but not required.
Interactions: Besides reporting to the station manager, interaction with outside publics is limited to those that are used for voice talent. The Production Director will coordinate and interact with their production staff daily to produce news segments and go over copies. This job does require interaction with the Sports Director to produce sports segments.
Impact on Institutional Mission: The Production Director is responsible for the holes that need to be filled in programming. Doing this job well will increase the production value of the on-air sound and allow the station sound to have ebb and flow in its playlist. Doing this job poorly will make the station sound seem bland because of a lack of new stingers and promos.
Specific Duties:
- Set up and hold DJ Meetings and Training Sessions
- Compose the Programming Grid
- Administer Policy Manual Tests every semester to all staff
- Keep track of all DJ information, including contact information, door codes, and attendance
- Be available to on-air talent at all times
- Send out e-mail to staff to inform of station news
- Supervise any special guests or in-studio musical talent
- Answer any questions pertaining to the FCC and WVUA-FM Policy
- Attend weekly director meetings
Reporting Relationship: The Program Director reports to the Station Manager.
Position Requirements: The Program Director must be an enrolled student at the University of Alabama at the time of appointment. This position also requires you to hold a 2.0 overall GPA and be in good standing with the University. The position does require at least 15 posted office hours and 5 hours at discretion weekly. For this position, experience with WVUA-FM is preferred, but not required.
Interactions: Besides reporting to the station manager, this position requires constant interaction with the DJs of 90.7 to makes sure on-air sound is legal and listenable. This position also requires coordination with the other directors to make sure their content is FCC legal. This job might require interaction with the Public to address any concerns and questions. This job may also be interactive with other 3rd parties as needed.
Impact on Institutional Mission: The Program Director plays a key role in making this station run to its fullest potential. When this job is done well, the DJ on-air sound is consistent, legal, and listenable and the operation of this station runs very smoothly. When this job is done poorly, the image of the station suffers in both on-air sound and general station operation and the license of the station could be in major jeopardy.
- staff report
- staff report
- staff report
- staff report