By: Melanie Viering


It’s a new school, a new city, maybe a new state, and for some of you even a new country. It’s the first day of classes tomorrow and for students old and new it can be stressful, but particularly so for incoming freshmen. Hopefully these tips about handling the first day of classes can help you come at it with an optimistic mindset.


Get A Good Night’s Sleep

You’re excited for the next day, and it’s hard to get to sleep, but you’ll regret it the next day when you start dozing off in class. Rather than getting called out by the professor or the TA get your sleep in the night before.


Eat Breakfast

For some it’s a no brainer, but if you are not in the habit of at least grabbing a banana or some toast and peanut butter you should give it a try. Besides all of the health benefits you always hear about eating breakfast, you also don’t want to be stuck with half an hour left of a class and unignorable hunger pangs. Talk to your room mates and figure out a time to grab breakfast at a dining hall or if you think you’re too nervous or excited to keep something down, then grab a granola bar and put in your backpack and when you do get hungry it’s there waiting for you. Either way no one is happy when they’re hungry, and no one wants to start the year off with a bad day.


Meet New People

The beginning of freshman year creates this pocket of time where it becomes ordinary to become best friends with that guy you met in the elevator. Everyone is new, and some people know absolutely no one coming in, but the only way to make friends is to meet new people. You won’t like all of them, but there is no way of knowing who you will or will not like until you give them a chance. If you don’t find a best friend on the first day don’t get discouraged, you have the whole semester to get your squad together.


What To Wear

Every school has a different campus style, but here at UA it is definitely comfort. Whether it is the quintessential Comfort Colors t-shirt and nike shorts or a t-shirt dress or whatever your personal style is don’t feel the need to bring the wedges out for tomorrow. There is enough stress inducing moments starting off a new school year, there is no need to make your feet one of them.


Bring A Notebook

Yes, the first day of school is known for being syllabus day, but that doesn’t mean you won’t need to write things down. Depending on the professor, he/she might even start teaching on the first day. You’re in college now, and each and every class and professor will be different and do things differently so just be prepared to take it in stride.


Don’t Buy All Of Your Books Now

Even though you might have a list of textbooks you need it is worth waiting the first week of school before getting them. You may not decide to keep all of your classes, some of them might only be suggested texts, and some teachers change their mind on which books they want. Whatever the case may be, there is no need to drop a money bag on books you may not need, instead give all of your classes a trial period and see if you really do need it. Even if your teacher gives out a reading assignment the first day he/she is expecting that everyone doesn’t have their books yet anyway so don’t feel like you will be behind.


Feel Free To Switch Classes

You can add and drop classes without penalty and all of your money back until August 26th. If a class isn’t what you expected and you accidentally signed up for astronomy instead of astrology don’t feel like you are stuck with the schedule you have. You can even switch to a different section of the same class if you would like a different professor or you would just prefer to have it at a different time. Just go onto your myBama and go to the student tab to add/drop classes. Just make sure there is room in the class you want to be in before you make the switch.


Keep An Eye On Your Schedule

If you have a class ten minutes after another one ends that is a good thing to notice before you try and figure out where that second class is. Take a minute to block out when you need to leave from where to be at all of your classes on time and keep your schedule in a place where you can reference it easily until you get comfortable with it. Some people like keeping a paper in their binder or their wallet, but personally I like to take a picture of my schedule and make it my background on my phone. Do whatever fits you best, but when you end up in 344 when you were supposed to be in 244 it is helpful to be able to reference back to your schedule.


Know Where The Food Is

You have an hour break before your next class, and you’re looking for lunch. Now what? It’s good to know what food is offered where so you can plan your breaks accordingly and make the best of your hour. Check out Bama Dining’s website and figure out what options work best for you.



It’s all exciting and new, there are people going everywhere, and it’s hard to keep up with it all. Be sure to take a moment if you need to and just take it all in. You will never have a first day of college again, and you should make the best of it. Even if things go wrong remember we are all only human and none of us have everything figured out.



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