Juice merchHuntsville is swiftly becoming the mecca of Hip Hop culture in Alabama. On December 6, 2014 the 2nd Annual Juice Hip Hop Exhibition took place at the soon to be legendary “Juice House”.  The building was brimming with uncharted talent in the forms of apparel designers, dancers, DJs and countless MCs blessing the crowd with their gifts.


Juice Vendors

Founder, Juels Pierrot, cherishes the gathering of  creatives and how allowing them to express themselves naturally and competitively; positively effects the community. Performances from Nashville’s Brown and the potent combined talent of Alabama Power(Jay Dot Rain, Wynt Earley, Bo Latham, and Lil Nardy of Mobile) and house DJ Houndstooth, the night was an abundant celebration of young people brave enough to chase their dreams. Lil NardyORGNZD Jay Dot Performance

The battles represented different elements of hip hop, with the winners of each category receiving a starter pack tailored to their career. For example, the winner of the dance battle won the right to choreograph Joi Tiffany’s (singer/songwriter) next video. The DJ Battle seduced the crowd and amped everyone up for the long awaited “Who Got Bars” Finale, the freestyle battle between Huntsville’s four top MCs. Juice DJ Battle




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