By: Mark Hammontree

An alligator, an entire colony of pythons and worms that have been genetically
modified so that they glow, packed in labs smaller than some dorm rooms— it’s
not science fiction, it’s day-to-day life on the University of Alabama campus.
And according to one lab supervisor, it’s inevitable that the creepy crawlers will
get out of their cages from time to time.

“You know, there are just two guarantees when you’re working with snakes,”
Stephen Secor, an associate professor of biology, said. “One is that you’ll
eventually get bit, and two, they’re going to get out at some point. Neither is a
big deal though, at all.”

Room 419 of the Biology Building, right next door to Secor’s office, is home to
several different species of animals including several types of snakes, lizards,
spiders and other reptiles. These animals are part of Secor’s lab and are used in
various research projects by the biologist and his students.

Read the rest of the story on the Crimson White website by clicking here


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